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Arbor: Reawoken is a competitive strategy game for 2-4 players.


You play as an Ancient spirit of the forest on a quest to regrow the world and claim the dormant roots of Arbor, the fallen goddess of life itself. 


You grow your forest do this by placing tiles on the board, claiming it as your own. As you grow your forest, you will need to move your Ancient across your 







Each player chooses a color for their Forest and selects the corresponding Forest Deck.


Open the envelope and remove the cards. A Forest Deck includes:


Arborium Black.png

1 Origin Tile


5 Guardian Tiles

25 Tree Tiles


After this, players select the Ancient they want to play in that game. The oldest player may choose first, for they are older and wiser.



Ancients are characters that define special rules that only a single player has access to. See the Ancients section of these rules for more information. 


Once players have chosen their Ancients, players must choose what Scenario they want to play and set up the board as per the requirements.


Place your Origin Tile in the starting position and place your Ancient piece on top of it.​ Place two Tree Tiles in the positions shown.


Remove the following cards from the Cultivation Card deck: 

Song of Reverence x 2

Celestial Grace x 2

Celestial Focus x2



These cards were relevant in the original Game of Arbor, but are no longer used in Arbor: Reawoken.


Shuffle the remaining Cultivation Card deck and the Star Card deck, placing them both to the side of the board.


The younger player may go first, as they are young and sprightly.




Goal of the Game


The goal of the game is to reach a set number of Victory Points, or Glory, before your opponent.


Glory is earned by connecting your Forest to the Roots. 


Each Root Tile covers one space completely, and 8 spaces partially. 


On each Root Tile, the 4 corners are occupied by Runes. If you place a Forest Tile in a space pointed to by a Root Rune, your Forest is "connected" to that Root. 


  • Being connected to a Root grants you 1 Glory

  • If another player also occupies a space pointed to by a Root Rune, they too are granted 1 Glory.

  • If you are able to completely surround a Root, connecting with all 4 Root Runes, you are granted 2 Glory


Glory granted does not persist. If your connection is broken, you lose the Glory granted.



(1) The Soul of the Forest Rule is important to keep in mind when calculating Glory. 

(2) You cannot place a tile in the center of a Root Tile.


The game ends immediately when a player reaches the required number of Glory.


In a 2 person game on the Valley of Fate Scenario, victory is claimed by the first player to reach 4 Glory and hold that advantage until the start of their next turn.



The number of Glory required for the game to end can be changed to allow for shorter or longer games as desired by the players. In addition, the Scenario played can necessitate different amounts of Glory.​





Your Forest is the collective term for all the tiles present on the board in your color. During your turn, tiles can be placed on the board within spaces in order to grow your Forest. By placing tiles, you are creating the area your Ancient piece can stand on.



At the start of the game, you chose an Ancient as your character. This is a powerful being with unique powers. 


Your Ancient is represented on the board by a wooden piece placed on a tile of your Forest color. Your Ancient is source of power for your forest, and emanates an Aura that allows you to take Actions on your turn. 



Your Ancient emanates an Aura from the tile it is standing on. The Aura extends to the 8 spaces immediately surrounding your Ancient.​


You can only place new tiles in spaces within your Aura.



During your turn, you take Actions by spending two types of resources: Manna and Trees. Both are generated at the start of your turn, though they function differently:


Manna is tracked on the Manna tracker on your side of the board. They do not carry over to your next turn, and you cannot have more than 8 Manna at any given time.


Trees are drawn from your Forest Deck and kept in front of you as tokens. You can retain the Trees you don't spend on your turn. The number you can retain is the same as the number you gained.


Turn Phases


Each player's turn is a single day, separated into 3 phases, corresponding with the the passing day.


Certain actions can only be performed in certain phases. 



Dawn Black_edited.png


Roll dice to gain resources.


Spend Trees to draw 

Cultivation Cards.

Day Black_edited.png


Spend Manna and Trees to grow your forest.


Play spell cards.

Dusk Black_edited.png


Spend final Manna to draw Star Cards.


At the Dawn of your turn, you roll both dice together. 


You choose one of the dice to generate your Manna, and the other to generate your Trees. You will spend both of these resources throughout your turn. 


If you roll the Ancient Blessing symbol, it acts as a double of the other die. In addition, you can use your Ancient's Blessing power on your turn.


If you roll Ancient Blessing twice, you can choose to either reroll both your dice or one of your dice.



Rolling the Manna Dice


During the Day of your turn, you spend your Manna and Trees on Actions.  


If an Action costs Manna, move the die you placed on your Manna Tracker down 1 space. In this way, you can track how many Manna you have left.


If an Action costs Trees, you will either place it on the board or return it to your deck depending on the type of Action.​​​​


Certain Actions can only be performed in certain phases. ​




Drawing Cultivation Cards


D A W N     P H A S E

1+ Tree


At Dawn, after gaining Trees, you can choose to spend Trees to draw Cultivation Cards.​​ When you spend a Tree to do so, you return it from your hand to your deck.


The cost of a Cultivation Card is determined by how many you are holding in your hand:


Your first Cultivation Card costs 1 Tree

Your second costs 2 Trees.

Your third costs 3 Trees, and so on. 


When you draw a Cultivation Card, take the top card of the deck.


You can only draw Cultivation Cards at the start of your turn, before taking any other Actions. ​




D A Y     P H A S E

1 Tree

1 Manna


In order to reach the Roots, you will need to grow your Forest.


You grow your Forest by placing Tree Tiles in spaces within your Ancient Aura.


Each Tree Tile costs 1 Manna to place in a valid location.



Growing Trees


D A Y     P H A S E

1 Manna


In order to grow further, you must Move your Ancient.


For 1 Manna, you can move your Ancient any number of spaces in a straight line, as long as those spaces are occupied by your Forest Tiles.


You cannot move diagonally unless the Ancient you are playing is a Ranger.


In addition to moving in a line across the Forest, you can also move to your Origin Tile for 1 Manna. This is only possible if your Ancient is connected to to your Origin Tile (see Soul of the Forest rule below).



     A N C I E N T     S P E C I A L     R U L E      

     E T E R N I T Y      

​Your Ancient is a sacred spirit of life. Nothing can harm the Forest in its presence. 


  • The Tree your Ancient is standing on is Eternal, which means it cannot be affected by Star Cards. 



     S P E C I A L     R U L E     

     S O U L     O F     T H E     F O R E S T      

Your Ancient's power is projected across the interwoven roots of the forest.


  • In order for your Forest Tiles to be considered active in the game, they must have an unbroken connection to your Ancient. 

    • Tiles are  considered connected with they directly next to one another.

    • Corner to corner Tiles are not considered connected.

  • If the connection to your Ancient is broken, you cannot interact with the disconnected Tiles in any way.

  • All Glory gained from those Tiles is lost.

  • If you reestablish a connection to your Ancient, those tiles are active once again: they can be interacted with and all Glory is restored.​​



Moving your Ancient
Summoning a Guardian


D A Y     P H A S E

3 Manna

2 Trees


Trees are not the only types of Tiles you can place on the board. 


You can summon a Guardian Tile by place it in a space within your Aura, flanked by two the Trees. All three tiles must be placed at the same time, and all three must occupy spaces within your Aura.



     G U A R D I A N     S P E C I A L     R U L E   

     E T E R N I T Y      

​Guardians are powerful spirits that safeguard the Forest in the Ancient's stead. 


  • A Guardian is Eternal, which means it cannot be affected by Star Cards. 



Playing a Spell Card


D A Y     P H A S E


Star Cards and Cultivation Cards grant you access to power abilities, and are collectively referred to as Spell Cards.


You can play Spell Cards from your hand during the Day Phase of your turn.


It does not cost any Manna or Trees to play a Spell Card.



Replacing your Origin Tile


D A Y     P H A S E

3 Manna


Your Origin Tile can be repositioned if your strategy calls for it.


You can swap the Tree Tile your Ancient is standing on with your Origin Tile by spending 3 Manna.


The Origin Tile cannot be swapped with Guardian Tiles.



     O R I G I N     S P E C I A L     R U L E     

     E T E R N I T Y      

​Your Ancient's bond with their origin is strong, and thus their power is shared.  


  • Your Origin is Eternal, which means it cannot be affected by Star Cards. 




D U S K     P H A S E

1+ Manna


When you are ready to end your turn, you can choose to move to your Dusk Phase.​ In your Dusk Phase, you can spend your final Manna to draw Star Cards.


The cost of a Star Card is determined by how many you are holding in your hand:


Your first Star Card costs 1 Manna

Your second costs 2 Manna.

Your third costs 3 Manna, and so on. 


When you draw a Star Card, place 3 cards face down on the table. You choose 1 Card and add it to your hand. The unchosen cards are placed on the bottom of the deck.


Once you move to your Dusk Phase and draw a Star Card, you may not take any other Actions. 



Drawing Star Cards



Star Cards are divided into 5 houses, each aligned with a different Spirit. The back of a Star Card displays the color and sign of it's house.


The 5 Spirits are aligned with 5 different mechanics:



     F I R E      C A R D S      

​Esh'to is the spirit of passionate flames, smoldering embers, and silent ash. 


  • Fire Cards remove Trees from the board with the Burn mechanic.

  • Burned Trees are returned to the player's hand when removed from the board. 




     S T O R M      C A R D S      

​Shai'al is the spirit of howling winds, booming thunder, and crackling lightning. 


  • Storm Cards affect an opponent's ability to gain and use Manna on their turn.

  • Storm Cards stay in effect until the target's turn is over. 




    L I G H T     C A R D S      

​Lau'su is the spirit of healing light, warm kindness, and the brilliant dawn. 


  • Light Cards grow Trees onto the board, either from your hand or from the Tree deck.

  • They allow for unparalleled growth.




    S H A D O W     C A R D S      

​Xin'eth is the spirit of shadowy cunning, dark deals, and hidden knowledge. 


  • Shadow Cards steal an opponent's Trees from the board or their hand.

  • The more you steal, the more you gain. 




    F A T E    C A R D S      

​Ool'lan is the spirit of unerring truth, silent wisdom, and the destined path. 


  • Fate Cards interact with other Star Cards.

  • These cards can be played at any time, even during an opponent's turn. 





At the beginning of the game, each player chooses an Ancient to play. Each Ancient belongs to a specific Class, and has a unique Blessing ability. 


Your Ancient's Class determines a passive rule that applies to your gameplay.


Your Ancient's Blessing is the special ability you can use if you roll the Blessing symbol on the Manna dice at Dawn, or if you play the Ancient Blessing Cultivation Card.




Ancients belong to one of five Classes.  Each Class has it's own unique approach to the Game of Arbor, as defined in their special rule. â€‹



     S E E R      

​A wise visionary, able to call upon the insight of the stars with unparalleled skill.  


  • You draw Star Cards for 1 less Manna



     K N I G H T      

​A champion of life, driven to reclaim the world in the name of the mother tree.  


  • If possible, you must place 2 Trees for every Manna you spend to grow the Forest. 

  • This does not apply to Trees placed when Summoning a Guardian.



     R A N G E R      

​A wayward wanderer, beholden to nothing besides their own shifting desires.  


  • You can move diagonally across Forest Tiles of your color.



     M Y S T I C      

​A contemplative scholar, deeply connected to the secrets of the soil and stone.  


  • You draw Cultivation Cards for 1 less Manna.



    A R C H O N      

​An adaptive magus, attuned to the creation and manipulation of cosmic energy.  


  • When you roll the Manna Dice, you can add 1 to each die, or 2 to 1 die.

  • You cannot gain more Manna or Trees than 6.




When you choose your Ancient, they will give you a unique Ancient Blessing.​


​Ancient Blessings can grant effects that last your entire turn or that only take place once. 

In all cases, you can only use your Ancient Blessing once on your turn. â€‹â€‹â€‹



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