the time has come to
once again
the time has come to
once again
Game Design | Narrative Design | Experience Design
2-4 players
Learn the game
complete quests
90 minutes
In Story Mode, you will experience the awakening of the forest. As you advance through the Chapters of this story, you will learn how to play The Game of Arbor.
The Chapters are read aloud by the Storyteller to the rest of the group. You can decide to have one Storyteller, or switch off who tells the story in each Chapter.
In each Chapter, you will learn new rules and the group will be given a Quest that must be completed. The first player to complete this Quest will be given 1 point, known as Glory.
The moment that a Quest is completed, the game pauses and the Storyteller continues to the next Chapter. The turn of the player who completed the Quest is immediately over.
By the end of a single game of Story Mode, you will know all the rules of the Game of Arbor!
There are 7 Chapters in total. Each Chapter has a Quest, and the player that completes this Quest first is awarded 1 Glory.
At the end of the final Chapter, the player with the most Glory wins!
Each Chapter is broken up into sections:
1. Story
Each Chapter begins with a short fragment of narrative that reveals some information about who you are and what happened to your world.
2. New Rules
Each Chapter will teach you the new skills that you will need in order to complete your Quest. Read them carefully.
Where appropriate, there will be reference points to pages of the Game Guide (your rulebook) for additional information.
3. Quest
After you have learned the new rules, the Quest of that Chapter will be revealed to you.
Remember, Story Mode is a race to complete these Quests first. The first player to complete a Quest gets 1 Glory point.
The player that completes the Quest will be forced to meditate on the knowledge they have acquired. Their turn ends immediately and their next turn is skipped.
These are the components you will need for Story Mode (from left to right):
Cultivation Cards, Star Cards, 1 wooden Ancient piece per player, the Manna Dice, the Root Cards, and 1 Forest Deck for each player.
For a 2 Player game, set the board up like this:
Remove the Cultivation Cards and Star Cards from their envelopes, shuffle them well and place them to the side of the board or in the corners as shown in the picture below.
Take 3 of the Root Cards and place them in the positions shown below. Place the Manna Dice in the center of the board.
Each player takes all the cards out of their personal Forest Card deck envelope. Place 1 Tree Card on each side of the board as shown below (between the 4 & 5 spaces on the Manna Tracker).
For a 3 Player game, set the board up like this:
Remove the Cultivation Cards and Star Cards from their envelopes, shuffle them well and place them to the side of the board or in the corners as shown in the picture below.
Take the 4 of Root Cards and place them in the positions shown below. Place the Manna Dice in the center of the board.
Each player takes all the cards out of their personal Forest Card deck envelope. Place 1 Tree Card on each side of the board as shown below (between the 7 & 8 spaces on the Manna Tracker).
For a 4 Player game, set the board up like this:
Remove the Cultivation Cards and Star Cards from their envelopes, shuffle them well and place them to the side of the board or in the corners as shown in the picture below.
Take 3 of the Root Cards and place them in the positions shown below. Place the Manna Dice in the center of the board.
Each player takes all the cards out of their personal Forest Card deck envelope. Place 1 Tree Card on each side of the board as shown below (between the 2 & 3 and 6 & 7 spaces on the Manna Tracker).